Raymond Briggs, who has died at the age of 88, gave children his 'Father Christmas' in 1973, which featured a solitary old curmudgeon toiling through bad weather on his sleigh in oilskins, complaining all the way. Raymond commented : “Bloody awful job. He’s going to be a bit grumpy".
'Fungus the Bogeyman' followed in 1977 and 'The Snowman' in 1978, which has sold in excess of 5.5 million copies globally and has been translated into 15 languages. Ironically, Raymond hated Christmas, but has become inextricably linked that season and the animation of his picture book, which was first screened in 1982 and is now as traditional Christmas fare. He acknowledged that, with stage shows, adverts, toys, toilet paper, it became : “A worldwide industry. China, Japan: a world of Snowmen. The whole blessed world. I was fed up with it years ago. I’m even more fed up with it now it’s been going on for nearly 40 bloody years.”
Even Raymond's sweetest, most playful works are full of intimations of mortality : 'The Snowman' ends up as a pool of water with a scarf floating on top of it and now, over the 256 pages of his last book, he contemplated old age and death and didn't like them much.

His collection of short pieces, entitled 'Time for Lights Out', which he worked on for thirteen years, is illustrated with his pencil drawings and is a collection of short pieces, some funny, some melancholy, some remembering his wife who died young, others about the joy of grandchildren and of walking the dog.
Most of the collection centred on his home in Sussex which featured in his poem :

What will they say,
The future ghosts
“There must have been
“There must have been
Some barmy old bloke here,
Long-haired, artsy-fartsy type,
Did pictures for kiddy books
Or some such tripe.
You should have seen the stuff
He stuck up in that attic !
Snowman this and snowman that,
Snowman this and snowman that,
Tons and tons of tat.
He reflected on the joys of the daily walk in the Spring : “Great clots of primroses everywhere! Good job this book’s not in colour. I’d have to paint the bloody things” and went on to investigate the mysteries of old men’s hair:]; the frailties of age and ill health; the passing of time and the stubborn endurance of objects and said : “The breadboard I use today, and the knife, have been with me all my life”.

For that wonderful irascibility : Raymond's 2017 interview on BBC's 'Newsnight (link)
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