What you possibly didn't know about Bob, that he :

* was five years old when the Second World War broke out in 1939 and remembered school "air raid practice but there was of course never any air attack on South Africa" and nine when his father was elected as a Labour Party member on Transvaal's Provincial Council, served in "a kind of Dad’s Army" and was beaten up by members of a Nazi-supporting, Afrikaner organisation called 'Ossewabrandwag', which had among its members, John Vorster, later Prime Minister of South Africa and remembered "visiting him in hospital after this incident. So that showed me the dividing lines in South Africa and made me think of many of the members of the subsequent Nationalist Government in the light of having been Nazi supporters."

* was 14 in 1948 when the National Party came to power and couldn't understand why his mother wept and said ""what’s wrong ?" because my father had just stood as a Labour candidate in the elections and he had won with a very handsome majority" and she said " "this is going to be a disaster for South Africa." She had foreseen that and she was right. First of all South Africa became virtually a Police state by stages and secondly, the Apartheid Laws were introduced. There had always been white supremacy and a lot of segregation but now it became the policy of the law. I think it made an enormous difference to my life and to the lives of many people."
* at school took part in the Debating Society, was keen on amateur dramatics, interested in writing and becoming a playwright or a journalist, but recalled "everybody I spoke to said, "no, no, you must get a qualification as a lawyer and then you can decide"" and as a first step, in 1951 started a 'BA in Economics, English and Afrikaans' at the University of the Witwatersrand, where Nelson Mandela had graduated with a law degree in 1949 and took with him two formative, post-War experiences : when he learnt about the Holocaust victims in his mother's family and when "taken out by an Aunt to the shanty towns developing around Johannesburg" and "saw the dreadful conditions, children suffering from malnutrition, open sewers and I made a link and so when I went to University I became a student activist."

* politically, as a member of the 'South African Congress of Democrats' attended ANC meetings and through his father got to know ANC leaders like Walter Sisulu and also "leaders on the other side as my father was respected also, even by the Nationalists, so when he was in Parliament I used to go there and on one occasion I even played for the South African Parliamentary Cricket Team against the Bar, led by a Nationalist Cabinet Minister. So there was a kind of camaraderie among MPs outside the debating chamber so I got to know people on both sides of the spectrum."
* having been awarded the 'Society of Advocates Prize for Best Law Graduate' at the age of 23 in 1957, worked as a full time attorney, then decided he "would rather get back to academic teaching and Hahlo invited me to a lectureship which was vacant without any advertisement or anything, he just said : "come, I have got this vacancy" and I went. But I think he was a little nervous, knowing my political background" and "taught some

* having got to know and form a bond with Mandela, was not surprised when, in 1962, at the age of 28, was drafted in to help him prepare for his 'Incitement to Strike Trail' and recalled that the Prosecutor, who had known Mandela as an Attorney in Johannesburg, approached him when they were talking in the court cell and when he said : "Please can I talk to Mandela alone ?", had replied : "You know you can’t - that’s not proper," to which Mandela said : "Okay if he wants to" and after ten minutes when the Prosecutor came out with tears streaming down his face, said to Mandela, : "What’s going on here, what happened ?" to which he replied : "Well, you won’t believe this, but he asked for my forgiveness" to which he said : "I hope you told him where to get off" and Mandela said : "No, no, I told him I knew he was just doing his job, then he kissed me". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im8860-oDcc&t=3m55s
* after Mandela received his 5 year sentence, carried on helping underground black leaders who based at their secret headquarters at Lilliesleaf Farm in Rivonia and recalled : "I went out there several times, quite regularly and I was kind of a lifeline for them because they relied on me to bring them messages, translate them back to other people" and unfortunately on 11th July 1963 "was there for a meeting. Soon after arriving the police raided and we were all arrested" and recalled : "I still remember the actual words the policeman used : "Ah, Advocate Hepple. Now we have got you all " " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9jMRahSxiM&t=3m23s

and was given a 'conditional release' when the Prosecutor announced he was going to be called as a 'state witness' and when he told Mandela what they offered recalled : "He said to me : "You must make a personal decision". If he has said : "Whatever you do, don't do it, as it will give them a political victory", I am sure I would have turned them down. But I went ahead with it and was released"and because "there was no way that I was going to be a state witness against these people who I admired and respected and so I had to find a way of getting out straightaway."

* three weeks later with his wife and the help of the underground ANC, climbed over a fence into Bechuanaland, flew to Tanzania where they were granted political asylum and then to Britain where he arrived "on a cold December day seeking asylum" and when he said to the immigration officer that he "intended to study at university", was asked : "Where are your letters of acceptance?" and in their absence was served a deportation order to go back to Tanzania, but after the intervention of Canon John Collins "who was a very good friend of those involved in the Anti-Apartheid struggle" who phoned, on a Sunday morning, the Home Secretary, Henry Brooke, was let in for seven days and then indefinitely.
* now reunited with his two small children, who had been left behind with grandparents when he and his wife had fled, recognised he needed a degree in English Law to get a job practising at the Bar or teaching in Britain and secured a place as a two year postgraduate LLB at Clare College Cambridge, which covered 'Conflict of Laws' and 'Negligence in English and Roman law' and found the teaching of Mickey Dias "a wonderful bridge for me between South African law, Roman Dutch and English law" and in 1965 was granted British citizenship on the basis of the patriality of his Sunderland-born grandfather.
* found that, as a refugee from apartheid South Africa, became interested in and was shocked to find the extent of racial discrimination in Britain : "In particular, signs in

* saw his dissertation grow into a book, 'Race, Jobs and the Law in Britain' published in 1968 and believed it informed the Parliamentary debate which produced the Race Relations Act in that year which made it illegal 'to refuse housing, employment or public services to a person on grounds of colour, race, ethnic or national origins' and believed it "was used by Parliamentary Committees and others, both because I had compiled an appendix showing examples of the kind of racial discrimination that was going on, many people at that time didn't believe there was much racial discrimination and secondly, I discussed the legal issues."

* published a second edition of 'Race, Jobs and the Law in Britain' in 1970, in which he explained the 1968 Act and "was critical of it in some respects" and was "glad to say that many of my criticisms were met in the 1970s because first the 'Sex Discrimination Act' was passed in 1975 and then the 'Race Relations Act' in 1976, which adopted or followed many of the suggestions I had made in the second edition of my book."

* in 1976 had a Chair created for him at the University of Kent as 'Professor of Social and Labour Law' and later rued : "I think I succumbed to flattery, and it turned out, I am afraid, to be a mistake. Because when I got there I thought it was a university based on a collegiate system like Cambridge, but it couldn’t work in a modern university because the individual colleges, there were four colleges, had no resources of their own and everything was planned by central bureaucracy" and, after a year, remained an honorary professor, but became 'Chairman of Industrial Tribunals' "a much easier, but better paid, job than being a professor" and dealt with individual disputes involving 'unfair dismissal,' 'race and sex discrimination' and introduced "the notion of the duty of mutual cooperation, which was very little used in Labour Law until then" and gave a judgment which became one of its basic tenets.

* in the 1980s found himself "quite often on television commenting on things like the 1984 Miners’ Strike and so on, not on the merits, but more on the legal position because this was a huge confrontation. Mrs Thatcher wanted to restrain the power of the unions and she basically took away the right to strike, limited it very severely and restricted collective bargaining" and "knew quite a number of the leading union figures like Jack Jones and I did a lot of work for the TUC and I was involved in advising the TUC on its proposals for legislative reform. I also advised somebody called Tony Blair, who was the Employment Spokesman for the Labour Party at that time. I was in a group of academics, who were giving advice, but he didn’t always follow that advice."
* in 1990 at the age of 56, had his 'Banning Order' for South Africa overturned and was invited to the Labour Congress in Durban and "revisited the house in which I was I was born and another one in which I had lived and went to the university and then I flew down to Durban and gave a lecture to the labour

* back in Britain in 1993, became the Master of Clare College and the following year a member of the 'Lord Chancellors Committee on Legal Education and Conduct' and after much work and discussion, delivered its first report with recommendations he referred to as 'Renewal of the Liberal Law Degree' and saw as "quite an important turning point in legal education in this country."
* at the age of 60 in 1994, was invited to join a ministerial task force in South Africa to draft the 'Labour Relations Act' and "felt that all of the years I had spent in the UK trying to get the knowledge and understanding of labour law, I could pay back because I could bring that experience to bear whenever devising new laws. And I would like to say that some of the provisions in the Labour Relations Act, I am not sure how successful, were based directly on my own knowledge and experience of labour relations".
* in 1996, with President Mandela's State Visit to Britain was invited to Buckingham Palace and recalled : "We queued up with the Queen and someone announced my name. He lent over the Queen and he asked : "Bob is that you ?" and instead of a decorous handshake I got a hug. I was very excited. The last time we had seen each other was in court in Pretoria in '63. I remember saying : "I've been waiting 33 years for this". The thought that a man who was sentenced to life imprisonment was now with the Queen and I was being presented to him. The queen was certainly an admirer. The world knows Mandela as an icon of peace and reconciliation but the guy I knew was a professional revolutionary - a hard fighter but with a great sense of empathy and of course I will always remember singing all those songs in the car !"

* in 2013 at the age of 79, the 'Labour Law Research Network' gave him an award for 'Distinguished Career Contribution to Labour Law' and in 2014 he received The South African 'Order of Luthuli' for his 'Exceptional contribution to the struggle for human rights and democracy.'
* explaining why he approved and admired two works of David Williams, President of Wolfson College which addressed the issues of 'official secrets' and 'public order', used words which could equally fit his own great work and achievements :
"They are addressed to the general public, the intelligent public, not just to the legal profession."
In 2014 he received The South African 'Order of Luthuli' for his 'Exceptional contribution to the struggle for human rights and democracy'. President Zuma paid tribute when bestowing the honour :
What better epitaph might an old human rights advocate have ?