If 'poverty' is defined as 'those households or individuals living on less than 60% of median income,' then living in 'poverty' within its shores are one in five of the population, consisting of :
* 8 million working-age adults
* 4 million children
* 1.9 million pensioners or 16% of the total
New research from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation has found almost 300,000 more pensioners in the Britain are living in poverty last year compared with 2012-13 : the first sustained increase pensioner poverty for 20 years.
On this basis, because of the disproportion between the number of old men and old women living in Britain, with old women outnumbering old men, it would not be true to say that 150,000 more old men are now living in poverty added to the 600,000 or so who were already in that state, but the figure is certainly approaching 150,000.
Put another way :
x 15,000
are added to the

x 60,000 old men already living in poverty

Britain in 2017 : a country where few care that the number of old men and women living in poverty is rising year by year.
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