Professor Keith Brown of Bournemouth University, claimed these reports represented as few as 5% of the true total and said : "It's hugely under-reported - we're talking about millions of victims. If this were burglary or street crime there would be a huge outcry, but it's hidden behind closed doors. Over the next few years this will become the next big scandal like the dawning realisation of the scale of child abuse."

Keith Brown concurs with this when he says of the fraudsters that : "If you're in the early stages of dementia or cognitive decline, you probably don't remember that you gave some money to somebody last week, the week before and the week before and before you know it, the criminals are targeting you like crazy. They just take you for everything and you're just not aware of it because you're not realising that this activity is going on."
"Joe public doesn't realise that these people in the early stages of dementia are just so vulnerable and particularly those lonely, elderly people, living at home. They haven't got somebody in the house they can just check something with or double check something with and criminals know this."
"These criminals sound very convincing. Let's not be under any illusion, there is so much money to be made in this form of scamming that they train. They go through all sorts of training courses, They know what to say. They know how to say it and they can convince us and this is the biggest problem. Criminals call these things 'suckers' lists' - an address list of people who are older, in the early years of dementia and they're the most vulnerable things to criminals because that's the sort of person they're going to go after because you can't just scam them once, you can scam them multiple times."

Police and trading standards officers in Norfolk have been involved in his case but his family believes he is now "addicted" to his pursuit of a big-money payout and is still trying to send money.
Research suggests that almost a third of elderly victims of fraud have been too embarrassed to tell their own families or friends what happened to them. A report from the 'Centre for Counter Fraud Studies' warns of the 'stigma' felt by elderly people about being cheated and warned that the over-65s are three times more likely to lose money to fraudsters than to be burgled.
Ironically, the increase in the number of old people going online and thus joining the 21st century has increased their risk of becoming victims of fraud. In the 65 to 74-year-old age range, the study says people are 54 times more likely to be a victim of fraud or computer scams than they are to be physically robbed.
In addition to 'advance fee' frauds and 'computer service software' scams, many old men and women in Britain are assaulted by a battery of :
* bogus charities
* investment fraud
* fake competitions
* health frauds
* false claims for debts
* fraud from identity theft
* inflated or fake fees for services
* online shopping scams.

Victims of Fraud :
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