Britain's old men "take heart", the 'Action for Happiness Movement' has been launched with free hugs and love and members who pledge to replace self-obsessed materialism with 'caring action groups' at work, home and 'in the community' and that means you !
The Gaurdian newspaper made the following points about the Movement, which has 4,500 members in more than 60 countries, that :
* its members aim to boost the net amount of joy in the world by being kind to others and countering 'an epidemic of loneliness and isolation'.
* at its 'relaunch'? yesterday at Jerwood Hall in the City of London, its members wore badges with slogans such as 'Love more!' and 'I'm up for more happiness!'. individualism".

* its co-founder, Professor Richard Layard, Head of the 'Wellbeing Programme' at the London School of Economics said : "Despite the fact that we are getting richer, after 60 years, we still haven't managed to produce a happier society. We are asking people for an individual commitment to aim to produce more happiness and less misery. The time is right. There is a worldwide hunger for something better, and we believe we can harness it."
* its website yesterday collapsed under the weight of users and declared itself overwhelmed.
The launch of the Movement in January :
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