That winter, he recalled : "I remember veils of white coming down against the dark cloud. It was falling so thickly that it obliterated the view of the town. I looked for hours out of the window, watching it building up on the roof. When it went off for a wee while, I went out into the garden. It struck me that the town was deadly quiet. Even the birds had stopped singing. I picked snow up in my fingers and noticed the individual crystals, that none of them was the same. That was just unbelievable.


He read everything available by Seton Gordon on the shelves of the library in Turra and, at the age of nine, he wrote to the great man. It was to be the start of a correspondence that would last for 38 years. Seton replied : 'It is a fine thing for you to have a love of the hills because on the hills you find yourself near grand and beautiful things, and as you grow older you will love them more and more.'

It was at this point he fell ill and developed empyema, an advanced form of pneumonia and was in hospital for several months, experienced great pain and was then kept off school. He used the time to read and philosophise to such a degree that his views on the spirit were a factor which caused his father to depart the church. Most painful was the fact that he "was told by the doctor, ‘You’re not going to walk in the hills again. You can look at them from a distance but that’s it from now on.’ "

In 1948, at the age of 18 he was 'Dux' of Turriff Secondary School, having excelled in Latin, English, French, Science, History and Mathematics. The following year he took himself off to Aberdeen University to undergraduate study in Zoology and by the time he was 20 had managed to fit in fieldwork visits to Iceland and Norway.
A self-confessed “awkward bugger”, someone, who from early age questioned nature, words and especially “well-known facts”. He saw his aunt, Elsie S. Rae, poet and one of the first if not the first female reporter on the 'Press & Journal', as a source of inspiration for forming his early debating and writing, abilities which he considered to be essential characteristics of the manner in which science should progress.
He was a brilliant young student and in 1952 gained a 1st class degree in Pure Science and won the 'MacGillivray Prize, Department of Natural History'. The following year, he won a 'Carnegie Arctic Scholarship' which took him to McGill University in Montreal. He then worked as a zoologist on the Arctic Institute of North America's Baird Expedition to Baffin Island and “the most fascinating mountains I’ve ever seen”.
He noted during his field trips how they could fly straight into a snowdrift, kicking snow behind them so that they filled the entrance of the hole and were sheltered from the wind, and how they stayed near enough to the surface that they didn't become buried, but could see when the morning light appeared and when to leave their burrows. He noted : "It takes an Inuit an hour to make an igloo. It takes mountaineers an hour or so to make a snow hole. It takes two to three seconds for the ptarmigan." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYkIuFnebqc

Recognition of his knowledge of the Cairngorms was made in 1972 when he was called as 'Chief Expert Witness' for the Crown in the 'Cairngorm Plateau Disaster Fatal Accident Inquiry' held at Banff, into the circumstances whereby five school children and an instructor died in the snow at Feith Buidhe on the Plateau the previous year.
In 1981 he joined the Editorial Board of 'Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment', a position he retained for 8 years and in the same year he was the main scientific witness commissioned by the Nature Conservancy Council at the 'Lurcher's Gully Public Inquiry' on behalf of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, into the proposed development of skiing facilities for which Secretary of State for Scotland eventually refused permission.
His reputation was such that as a biologist, he was invited to study red grouse and then promoted to 'Senior Principal Scientific Officer for Special Merit in Research' with the Nature Conservancy and later the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Banchory. He retired in 1990, but was asked to continue on an unpaid advisor.
Acknowledged as the world's leading authority on grouse, in 2008 at the age of 78, with his co-author Robert Moss, he published 'Grouse : The Natural History of British and Irish Species', which sold an astonishing 4,000 copies inside four months. He went on to mark his 83rd year with a flurry of publications : 'Place names in much of North-East Scotland'; 'Points, Sets and Man'; 'Hill birds in North-East Highlands' and 'Mammals in North-East Highlands'. At this point in his life he could look back on a body of work which included 23 books, 287 peer-reviewed scientific papers and 178 technical reports, 40 book reviews and many articles in newspapers and magazines.
Last year a new study revealed the number of mountain hares on moorland in the eastern Highlands is at less than 1% of their levels in the 1950s. He said : Conservation groups have called for an end to the "indiscriminate and ruthless" of mountain hare culls."Having reached the age of 88 I am both delighted and relieved to see this paper published. Having counted mountain hares across the moors and high tops of the eastern Highlands since 1943, I find the decline in numbers of these beautiful animals both compelling and of great concern. We need the Scottish government and Scottish Natural Heritage to take action to help these iconic mammals of the hill - I hope they will listen to the voice of scientific research." Interviewed by the BBC he said : https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-45170147
When it came to hill walking he said he didn't care for the idea of an organised group with GPS and texted avalanche alerts and other modern niceties since : “That just takes away the greatest joy the hills can give a person which is the wonder of exploring them for yourself. I think if you’re alone, you really become part of the hill.”
"I have travelled the globe widely, but I still think the Cairngorms are the most wonderful place on earth."
“I just like coming here and seeing the hills. It’s like seeing old friends.”
“I just like coming here and seeing the hills. It’s like seeing old friends.”
Tributes : Iain Cameron : https://medium.com/@theiaincameron/dr-adam-watson-1930-2019-f5b107220527
Conservation Magazine : https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/news/tribute-to-adam-watson-1930-2019/0019219/
Conservation Magazine : https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/news/tribute-to-adam-watson-1930-2019/0019219/
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