Monday 7 September 2009

Britain - a country where it is not dishonest to dupe the old

I heard an article on the 'Today' programme this morning, about the results of a survey which showed that less people, (43%), thought it was 'dishonest' for a carer to put pressure on an elderly person to change their will, than it was to con a clothing store, by getting a refund on a dress that had been bought with the intention of the buyer using it once.

Apparently, when it comes to common acts of theft and fraud, the over 50s tend to see crimes as much more black and white than the younger generation.
They were also much more likely to say they would convict the perpetrator in a court of law.

Dr Stefan Fafinski and Dr Emily Finch, co-authors, think that we probably become more judgemental as we got older because we had “more to lose”.

“These results could suggest that society is becoming more dishonest as the young are less likely to consider actions are wrong,” said Dr Fafinsky, a qualified criminal lawyer.
“But it could be that the older you get your views change. Maybe it is the older you get the possessions you acquire and so the more you value honesty”.

What is he talking about ?
This has got nothing to do with changing as you get older and get more possessions, it is all about the fact that younger people in Britain today no longer adhere to a clear sense of right and wrong.

I may sound like a Grumpy Old Man, but this is my perception of one way in which this country has changed.

If you want to view the survey, which I think is very clever, you can do so on the link below.

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