Burt Kwouk is 81 today and is best known in his career in films as 'Cato', the man-servant and karate expert, hired by Inspector Clouseau to keep him 'on his toes' by attacking him without warning, no matter what the circumstances.
What you possibly didn't know about Burt, that he :
* was born in Warrington, Lancashire but spent most of his childhood in Shanghai until he was 17 and then must have moved to the USA where he graduated from Bowdoin College in 1953.


* appeared in three James Bond films : in 'Goldfinger' (1964) as a Chinese counterpart of Bond (left), in the spoof 'Casino Royale' (1967), a general and in 'You Only Live Twice' (1967), the part of a Japanese operative of the villain Blofeld.

* played the honourable but misguided Major Yamauchi in the 1980's Second World War tv drama 'Tenko'.

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And here is my personal version of the battel between Cato and Inspector Clouseaus in the 'Battle of the Force Beams' :
When my son was still living at home and working in London some 10 yeas ago, he would return home at 7.30 at night. He had 2 cardboard space tubes, which jangled when shaken. They were a commercial spin-off from the force beams which the Jedi Knights had in the film 'Star Wars'.
We fell into the habit of me surprising him when he came into the house by hitting him with a space tube in imitation of Cato surprising Clouseau.
This was the procedure :
1. I would turn off the down stairs lights when I heard his car approach. I had left his space tube on the floor of the porch as an invitation to duel.
2. I then hid from view, so as to surprise him the dark.
3. Meanwhile my wife watched t.v. in the dark, in the front room.
5. He would come looking for me with his tube : "Dad, I know you're there. Out you come."
6. One evening, unbeknown to me, he returned home with friend to the darkened house with me hiding under the stairs. I think the friend was surprised and amused.
7. On another occasion, he picked up a broomstick and gave me a bang on my forehead, which produced an egg-like lump.
Fortunately, it had gone down by the time I went to work the next day.
So, I have a personal reason to thank Burt Kwouk who inspired those japes with my son and has given me fond memories.
P.S. One space tube sustained some damage in one of the encounters and had to be bandaged with pink, sticking plaster.
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