When I started this blog in May 2009, I said that I had 'time to look around, turn over stones and see if this country of ours is, or ever was, a country for old men'.
I am still looking.
The 'unexpected' pleasure which this blog has given me is, that there are people in other countries who have read my postings.
So I ask myself : who are you today from ? :
Thailand, Bangkok
Romania, Calarasi
Australia, Melbourne
Finland, Salo
United States, New York
Denmark, Arhus
Switzerland, Schnenwerd
United States, Colorado
United States, Utah
The fact is, that I shall never know.
I have grouped my postings below under the following headings, mostly so that I can keep track of what I have posted and possibly because it might be of some interest to someone somewhere :
Britain 1940 - a country for old men
Shakespeare's England was no place for old men
Was Victorian Britain a Country for Old Men ?
Thoughts from an American Poet and an American Pre...
Birthday Boys and Girls, do you know the date of t...
Safe places and unsafe places
Is Colombia a country for old men ?
Wembley Stadium - a safe place for older men
Herne Bay - a place for the very young and the old...
China - a country for old men
Born in the U.S.A.
Do you know anyone who would buy these T-shirts ?
The U.S.A. - a country where Old Men advertise the...
Germany - a country for old men ?
Bavaria is a county for old men
Germany is a country sympathetic towards old men
Bavarian families- the secret to happy old men
Germany-no country to cross the 'Geritol Gang'.
Berlin - a city with a supermarket for old men
Bavaria is a county for old men - confirmed
Goodbye Bavaria and your happy opas and omas
Old men in the U.S.A. - beware the 'Searle Freedom...
Britain's West Midlands is a 'county' for Old Men
A Wiltshire hamlet where time stands still
Britain today in 'A Tale Of Two Cities'.
'Dennis the Menace' is alive and well in New Zeala...
Invisible at a petrol station
Big business banking on poor memory
In house communication.
Telephone banking
Rogue Trader from Hell
Rogue Trader from Hell : Part Two
A mantra for the elderly
The good trader
Sad beard, black beard, grey beard, no beard.
One virus hoax and a Grumpy Old Briton
Britain in 1965 - a London School called 'Eltham G...
Old Brits- do you know the date of the most import...
The battle of the blogs Part 3 : 'small animals' v...
I wanted a list of the posts I've published since ...
To blog or not to blog ?
The battle of the blogs : 'small animals' v 'old p...
The battle of the blogs : Part 2 : 'small animals'...
The soothing balm of age
Dandling in Britain today
B.T.- No company for Old Men or Old Women
Who profits from being old ?
Urban Britain is no place for old men at night.
Why can't democracy in Britain be a place for old ...
Should the title be : ' Britain is a country for y...
Monarchy - a place where elderly people can do use...
Britain's 'baby boomers' today
Google indicates that Britain is a bleak country f...
Britain - a country where old men drive new conve...
Britain is a country where burglars should beware ...
Britain - a country where the class to which old m...
Hot old men in Britain, relax, your Government has...
Britain - a country where Big Business entice Old ...
Baby boomers, we are 'The Pig in the Python'.
B.B.C. is no company for Old Women
Britain's Tescos - no company for complaints
Britain's Old Timers - you are not alone !
eBay is no company for old sellers
Britain - even less of a country for future old me...
Britain - a country to profit from lots more old ...
Britain - a place for old, daytime drivers
Britain - a place where philosophy can help old me...
Britain's hospital wards - no place for sick, old ...
Britain is no country for old men who can't hear o...
Britain's 'Sunday Times' is a place for Old Men
Britain - a country where it is not dishonest to d...
The B.B.C. is no Company for Terry Wogan's Old Gee...
There are still 'Reasons To Be Cheerful' in Britai...
Britons, your life in 6 words
Britain's Tescos - no company for complaints Part ...
Britain Today in a Tale of Two Supermarkets
Britain is a country where some remarkable and or...
Will Britain under Conservatives be a better count...
Last of the Summer Wine but not bought at Tescos
Britain in 2109 will be a country full of old men
Conservative Britain is no place for tommow's old ...
Britain is neither a country for old villains nor ...
The Pension Service - no problem, a problem, my pr...
Britain is still a country for one remarkable old ...
Britain is a country where yesterday's elderly her...
Britain's schools are no places for older teachers...
Britain is a place for old urban squirrels
Britain is a place for old urban foxes
Britain is a place for old urban herons
Britain is still a country for the old men who onc...
Britain's Google is a healthy place for the brains...
Britain is a country where old men count birds in ...
Britain is a country verdant with grumpy old men
This blog has made this old man famous in Sweden a...
Britain is no country for old men confirmed
Britain's Baby Boomers beware David Willetts : Par...
Why is Britain no country for cold, old men ?
Britain is a country where yesterday's radicals ar...
Britain is no country for children who need to be ...
Britain in 2016 will be no country for old men who...
Laughter - a tonic for all Old Men
For young and old - one thought and three tonics f...
Nine thoughts and One laugh for the day
Laughs for the day - courtesy of President Bush
Laughing Clubs for Baby boomers ?
Today's Laughter tonic from Pete and Dud and the 6...
Is Britain still a country for Captain Pugwash ?
Paul, Deliah and I.
Happy Birthday Old Timers !
Happy Birthday Old Thespians
Happy Birthday to Dick Francis and the other Old T...
Happy Birthday, to Peter Green, 'Man of the World'...
Britain says " Happy Birthday " to Old Timers, who...
Britain says "Happy Birthday" to Tony Blackburn an...
Britain said Happy Birthday yesterday to Richard B...
Britain says "Happy Birthday" to Clive Dunn, Jimmy...
Britain says " Happy Birthday" this weekend to som...
A role model for Britain's Old Men - Nathan Birnba...
Britain in 1964 - a place for Manfred Mann
Britain's Old Men you have a champion in Joan Bake...
Britain is still a country for the voice of Vera L...
Britain needs Lord Layard and Gareth Malone as a M...
T.S.Eliot, Britain's 'Favourite Poet 'and the dil...
Hats off to Chuck Berry, that remarkable Old Ameri...
Hats off to the voice of American crooner Andy Wil...
Britain is no longer a country for Barry Letts who...
Britain is no country for three old heroes called ...
Britain is no longer a country for Phil Archer of ...
Britain is no longer a country for Ludovic Kennedy...
Britain today - Weller's or Sting's ?
Is Britain Today more a country for Paul Weller th...
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