Over 50 and on the scrapheap: As recession bites, a record rise in older workers condemned to long-term unemployment
It made the following points, that :
* 'The Recession' has created a generation of 'over 50s' who are condemned to long- term unemployment.
* the number of older workers trapped in a spiral of joblessness has soared by more than 50% in a year to the highest figure in a decade.
* a total of 170,000 job-seekers over 50 have been out of work for at least 12 months.
* older workers have been the biggest victims of a 'recession panic', which saw businesses slash costs by getting rid of 'long-serving' and, most significantly, 'more expensive' staff.
* the figures renewed claims of widespread prejudice against older workers, who are unfairly seen as slow and unable to keep up with new technology. *
* the revelations also make a mockery of Government pledges to abolish the official retirement age and allow people to work on into their 70s.
* much of the focus of 'Government Economic Policy' is based on a concern for thousands of young graduates who will struggle to find a job in the coming months.
Much of this has been highlighted by the charity : 'Age Concern'.
May future headlines read "A new wave of successful, mature entrepreneurs take the economy by storm"