Now for something more lighthearted.
One of the ironies about life is that when you are young and have to make big decisions like : Do I go for a new job ? Do we get married ? Do we buy a house ? Do we have a child ? You are rushed and have no time.
When you are old and have to make no big decisions and have all the time in the world.
I immediatelty 'googled', 'heron deterrent'and came up with two choices :
1. Great Blue Heron Decoy (top) : 'which may discourage real herons from visiting to your pond or water garden'.
Apparently, it works on the premise that herons are 'solitary feeders'.
2. ScareCrow Motion Activated Sprinkler (top): 'Scarecrow senses animals (heron)the same way security lights detect people; movement and heat. When an animal (heron)is seen, a valve opens instantly releasing a three-second pulsating spray of water. The combination of the sudden noise, movement, and water frightens animals (herons) away'.
I rejected Number 1' after checking the 'Royal Society for the Protection of Birds' website, which said that : ' A plastic heron will more likely attract other herons rather than deter them'.
So, of the 2 choices at the top of the page, it was going to be 'the scarecrow'.
I ordered one on the internet and then had an after-thought. If it will deter the big, fat, predatory herons, what about the little birds who bathe in and drink from the pond. When I asked my heighbour, Russ about it he said : "Well, instead of bathing, they'll be having a shower".
My wife and I do get a little 'squirt' when we walk up the garden now, but it's fun to dodge and keeps us on out toes.
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